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== == The girl friend i love were ignoring me,she use to talk me very few times

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Q: What do you do if a girl is always ignoring you and she tells you she doesn't want to talk to you but her best friend is really nice to me and asked me if I still like her or not?
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well just tell her what you really feel about her and maybe she will understand! i mean my friends are always there for me and im always there for her! theyre like a sister to me! but if that doesnt work then tell her that she is acting like that to you and you still wanna be her friend but if that doesnt work either then that hard way is DONT be her friend! i know im sorry that happened with me too. well anyways..GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FRIEND/S I HOPE YOUR FRIENDSHIP GOES ON FOREVER! =]

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Laugh at them. Continue the ignoring process and always smile.

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there is really nothing you can do about it but to be his friend and wait and see patience is a virtue

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you tell him and ask if your really best friends, because best friends should never ignore you

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well if you dont like them it doesnt really matter, they are not a true friend anyway

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Sit out the drama. There is really not much you can do here.

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tell a teacher or parent and if that doesnt work then ask them why they r being mean and if that doesnt work then treat them the way the treat u so they know what it feels like for someone to be mean to u because everyone wants to be treated the way that u treat them. if that doesnt work then their not really ur friend GOOD LUCK

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you get a life

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If your friend is really your friend she will respect your choices. Try show her that he isnt that bad, hopefully she comes around. If she doesnt, is the guy really more important than your friend to lose her over?