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A person from Wyoming is called a Wyomingite.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Someone from Cheyenne (has to have been born there) is called a Stockrar. Don't know what it means, but they all refer to themselves as this.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

There are two Native American groups that make up the Cheyenne, which are the Tsitsistas and the Suhtai. Today, their estimated population is just over 22,000.

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A person from Wyoming is called a Wyomingite.

What do you call some one from Wyoming?

The nickname given to all people who live in Wyoming: "Wyomingite."

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Since Wyoming is a US state, US Currency is used as in dollar, quarter, dime, nickel, and penny.

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A soft trill of 3-5 seconds is the call of the Wyoming Toad (Bufo baxteri, Anaxyrus baxteri).Specifically, the voice of the Wyoming Toad is somewhat melodic in a rattling sort of way. It is similar to that of the American Toad (B. americanus), but less musical. The call may be heard from spring to early summer.

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