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If he was a good best friend he would stop going for this girl.

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Q: What do you call it when your best friend goes for the girl you've liked for 3 months?
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On the surface, there appears to be nothing wrong with asking her out, but you will have to use your own judgment based on the possible consequences, as you should know your friends and how they will react. It may be better to let some more time go by, but how much time is another decision that you must make yourself.

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Maybe he already does youve been friends with him so long ASK HIM OUT

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ask him out again.

What do you do if your best friend asked your crush out?

well first of all did your best friend know you liked him/her? if so then ask him/her why he/she did that and that its really hurt you because you really liked the guy/girl

What do you do when your crush likes your best friend but you liked your crush before your best friend started to like him?

If your best friend doesn't know you like your crush than tell her how you feel about it. what you can also do is tell your friend that you liked him first or tell him to decide between you two. or you can also share him. or you or your friend can move on.

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Beck did not get jealous because Jade liked his best friend Moose. They were all friends and did not see it that way.

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tell him before you regret it

How do you know if your boyfriends best friend liked my friend?

well he looks at her alot talks to her alot

If a boy was almost your best friend and you liked him would you tell him?


What do you do if a guy you like is dating your best friend?

did your friend know that you liked him/her? you need to sit him/her down and talk about it.

What if you liked your best friend and you were sure that he liked you back and when you asked him if he liked you he says he doesnt?

Well the problem here is, one can never be sure that a best friend likes you back unless they specifically tell you. So, he may never have actually liked you. Not what you wanna hear, but its true. Now another thing that could be happening is he is nervous. You have to make sure he knows you like him, then he will answer truthfully most of the time. I mean, i was nervous when I told my best friend I liked her.