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Q: What do you call it when you almost love someone?
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I would call them a fallible person - as almost all of us are.

What do you call it when someone likes someone who does not like them the same way?

Unrequited love </3

What do you call someone who doesnt believe in love?

Although there is no technical term for this, people call them as non- believers of love.

How do you get him to talk to you again?

you don't, love is not something you can force someone to do or get them to do. if you are wanting some one to love you AGAIN, maybe they didnt in the first place. find someone that will love you unconditionally

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The definition of a sweetheart?

My definition of sweetheart is someone you love almost unconditionally and they retun your feelings:]

What do you call it when you don't hate someone but you don't love them?

You probably mean 'acquaintance'.

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Can you be married and love someone else and still be a christian?

Call yourself whatever you want, you're human. It's a shame that you married someone you didn't love.