a dolley is someone that doesnt work.
She probably doesnt like you or understand what you want
Hire me I will take him out im only $32 per person call me at 718-559-2991
You know when a boy doesnt like you anymore when..he doesnt pay attention to youignores your call / doesnt call you at alltexts / flirts with your friendsdoesnt go place with youdisowns you
If he is telling you that he doesnt like you and doesnt do anything to disprove that, like call you, hang with you or make an attempt to be nice to you , then he doesnt.
you knock the person away with something that doesnt conduct electricity like a broomstick for example and then call the emergency services.
Shy or timid.
they are call chimpanzees they are call chimpanzees they are call chimpanzees
If a BF is mad and he doesn't call past a week, it could mean the relationship is over. Even if it is not, a person does not deserve to be disrespected like that and should move on.
someone that doesnt like talking or looking at people
I wouldn't call that person anything at all. Some like to date, others don't, and yet others aren't ready yet. People, in my opinion, should be left alone to be themselves. Putting labels on people is like trying to put square pegs in round holes. What would you call someone who asks a question like this? See what I mean?
No he is soooooooooo fit who wouldn't