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Q: What do text back when they say you have been busy?
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What does it say when you text a disconnected number?

That this number has been disconnected, that the text did not get to the number, or you won't get anything back.

If you text a guy but they say they have to go?

He's either busy or not interested

How do you know if the person your talking to still wants to talk to you even though he don't text you back cause he's to busy plus you guys only text and haven't meet in person yet but been talking?

Always trust your eart say hello or anyone there if u like the boy tell him that

What if you text your boyfriend and say hey sweetie and he doesn't text back?

Well then he is probably busy or hanging eith his guys. so like in an hour text him back and see if he do it. If he dont then call him and see if his phone is busy. If this doesnt work then talk to him about it at school. But be carefull sometimes the answers are not pretty.

Why would a girl just want to talk on the phone and not text you?

I'm a girl, so if i text ed someone and they don't text back immediately i would have wait how long they made me wait then text them back, but if it was the other way around i would say that maybe she's busy, or she doesn't want to talk to you

How do you annoy your boyfriend?

if your in the case where you wanna breakup with your boyfriend to annoying him text him and say we need to talk when he texts back and aasks why or whats up don't answer back if he tries to call don't answer when he wants to hangout say too busy own it don't let men tell you how to be!

I been with this man almost 2years and I am really in love with him but he never have a time he's always say he's busy so what should I do ?

don't call, don't text don't answer your door if it's him. Make him miss you. Then if he doesn't call or text then that is your answer and move on

How do you know if a guy truly hates you and isn't acting?

When a guy truely hates you when you call him he won't answer or will answer and hang up. When you text him he will say that he is busy that he will text you back in a few and never text you back. He will glare at you when you walk by him. When you see him and smile he looks away and quickly leaves the area. Finally if your at school and you get put in a group that he is in he will say rude comments such as oh great that's here or really they had to put you here or gross someone get me a barf bag

He says he likes you a lot too. But Eerytime you guys talk he dont text back or he is always busy. You tell him about this situation. he says he is sorry. it keeps happening. what do you do?

He is not interested otherwise he would answer. He just hasn't the idea what to say.

What do you do if the guy you like doesnt text you back for a week?

well you could assume he was busy, got his phone taken away, lost it... ect or if your certain he has it and isn't texting back, ask one of your friends or some one to text him and if he responds, well you got your answer, but also you texts might not get though to him... call him and just ask if he got your texts and if he asks why just say "well my phones been acting weird lately" i hope it helps :) good luck:)

How say man text back in spanish?

hombre, texto detras

Why is it that guys do not text when they say they will Is it because they are Busy Shy have no phone credit unsure of what to write No phone signal Phone is stolen Lost the girl's no?

Guys aren't as interested in chit-chatting as women are. Women need coversation to feel important, men don't. Why are you waiting on his text? Men like a chase, keep yourself busy and let him find you. And remember, if he doesn't text when he say's he will, don't text him. Wait for him to get with you and (even though your pissed) act like you didn't even notice.