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sixth grade guys usually try to act cool and flirt with the girl. girls usually enjoy being flirted with unless that absolutely hate the guy. even if a girl doesn't like a boy but she doesn't hate him or think he is annoying, then the boy can start to talk to the girl and make her laugh. When the girl starts to bend in most boys don't ask her out but that is actually the perfect time to ask her out because she is constantly looking at you and laughing. Remember this when a girl laughs when you look at her and she is looking at you it is a friendly kind of laughter.

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10y ago
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13y ago

there are three types of boys. the frist type of boy is the sports boys of corst they like sports. then thers gameing type of boys they like Video Games. last but not least the both type of boy they like both things.

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12y ago

At that age they don't know, dating in sixth grade is never serious its just for fun really it gets serious when you hit high school tho or in grade seven depending on how your school works. But boys at that age usually go for the most popular girl who demands attention the most.

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12y ago

They like when girls be themselves around them. They dont like it when girls keep bugging them to talk to them, they think its annoying.

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14y ago

Looks &. Personality

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Sixth grade is still very early to become involved with boys. Give it time. Eventually you will meet boys who will resemble some of the ones you have read about and fallen in love with in your books.

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The general rule of thumb is that a girl's size 3 is equivalent to a woman's size 5, so I would assume that a girl's size 6 would be a woman's size 8, or improperly labeled as a woman's size 6. It also depends on where you go like a 6 in a Nike store is still kids it usually goes up to 6.5 or 7 possibly just 5.5.

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yes.girls do mature way faster then boys. girls mature between 18,19,or 20.i think boys mature when they are like 26 or close to their 30's. I dont think so and im a girl boys just dont mature faster. My sister is in 8th grade and all the boys there are immature and she and all her friends are mature.