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If you have been together for practically forever, you have a very, very, very, slight chance of getting him/her back.

1. If it's a guy:

*Try forgiving yourself, and then apologizing, then, prove your apology by showing that you still love him as much as you did before, if his love hasn't worn off, he might come back to you, but if it has, then I'm sorry, but you're never, ever having another chance at that guy, it's time to move on. (P.S. it is never a good idea to think of killing yourself, think of another guy you like, or go to your parents and/or family for advice, they always have good advice, accept it.)


2. If it's a girl:

*If she has fallen for another guy, then it's over, move on.

*If she hasn't fallen for another guy, then you need to prove yourself worthy of her love, she has probably gone to her parents so avoid them at all cost, until you love her enough again that you're willing to take a beating, so you need to get to know the real person inside of her, if you don't like that person, run like heck man! If you do, then love that person forever and never let them go, as I said above go to your parents and/or family members for advice, they always hve good advice, especially if they are, or have been married.

I have no more info to give you.


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10mo ago

To increase your chances of getting your ex-fiance back, focus on personal growth and self-improvement. Reflect on the reasons why the relationship ended and work on addressing those issues. Give your ex space and time to heal, and when the time feels right, communicate openly and honestly about your feelings. Ultimately, respect their decision if they choose not to reconcile.

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