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Well there are plenty of others out there so go find yourself one that likes you back and forget about this one.

If you really like them attract them talk to them use your repartee to attract them it can be anything even if they're not that particularly interested in the subject they will still admire you for it. Laugh at his jokes even if you don't think they're particularly that funny (make sure you don't sound crude or sarcastic) hang around with his friends (a guy is going to like someone who can socialise with his friends) don't try too hard and try not to flirt with other boys. Lightly laugh at some boys jokes but laugh louder at his. Make sure you have good eye contact (not too much so that they feel it's a staring contest) compliment him. E.g. "How did you become so good at football"? or "I bet all the other guys are jealous that they can't do that" flatter his ego a bit. Most importantly be yourself and never try and keep for him.

A good thing to try and do is become friends with him first. That way you will talk to him a lot and get lots of chances to flirt with him.

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12y ago

simply talk to him about it, its that simple. if you truly like him, but don't come of as a needy person. don't try to hard. if its ment to be, then it will happen.

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Q: What do i do if the boy i fancy doesn't fancy me?
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Be yourself! They are only worth it if they fancy you when you are acting like yourself

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You schoul let him know ASAP otherwise he will be in the dark. i know. i am a boy. teen, actually.

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look amazing and talk to him

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Took a fancy means liked. Example: The boy immediately took fancy to the new girl in his class.

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Harvey Shawmeker has written: 'Tales from a boy's fancy' 'Tales from a boy's fancy' -- subject(s): Accessible book

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