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tell him you love him but u know ur goin out wid someone

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Q: What do i do if i really love him but he has a girlfriend?
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if he really does love you then he won't stay with his girlfriend

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well if they really love you they will most likely break up with there boyfriend or girlfriend but if they dont they dont really love you!

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He seems to love his current girlfriend, Melina.

When should you have a girlfriend?

you should get a girlfriend when you really love somebody and they love you back. probly about 13 but ive had a girlfriend since i was 11 or 12 and shes still with me at 15 so there really isn't a right age as long as you love each other

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If you girlfriend is a lesbian then she cant really love you in every way. She may love the person you are, But have no sexual attraction towards you,

Why do boys be sweet to their girlfriend?

They want to show they really care And appreciate there Girlfriend and that they TRULEY love them

If you have a girlfriend she tells to marry what to do?

It all depends on if you Really love her or not

What if a guy really doesn't think of you as a girlfriend but you are in love with him?

if a gut doesnt think of you as a girlfriend but you are in love with him then get a boob job and show it off in front of him.

How do make you girlfriend really know that i really love her?

give her lots of attention or flowers

How do you tell your thirteen year old girlfriend you love her?

you dont know what love really, you dont.

How do you let your girlfriend know you really love her?

by going to a comedy movie