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we sometimes show off or try to act cool around them. either that or we just go talk to them.

More background information for those who are wanting to answer my question:
It was after school and everyone was leaving musical practice, this one guy dropped his drumstick twice in front of me...My friend was with me and said he had looked at me before he dropped it and that he did it because he liked me and that he dropped it on purpose. I wasn't paying close attention and so I don't know if he had actually looked at me or not. Please help me!

ya i do think he liked you!! also guys like to act funny to make you laugh... it works most of the time -lol-

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Q: What do guys use to impress a girl?
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This a question for the guys how can a girl impress you?

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Just be yourself. Girls really don't like when guys "impress" them. It makes guys come off as fake and sometimes annoying. If you want a girl to like you for who you are, be yourself.

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If you want to impress her... show a bit of humor! Girls love guys who are funny and charming.

How can impress a girl?

First of all, if you use proper English then that can impress a girl. Secondly, you impress a girl if you just be yourself, if the girl can't accept that then move on and find someone new! Good luck! :D

Can you girls tell me what guys impress you?

Its different for all girls, just see what the girl that you love, likes in a guy.

What do you do when a guy is hard to impress?

All you have to do is become his friend then go from there. Guys just want a nice loving girl .

Why would a guy try hard to look cool to a girl when he knows her?

Guys like to impress girls no matter who they are and if you know them or not.

How do you impress a pretty girl?

Be yourself! Trust me, girls DO NOT like when guys try to impress them. Sometimes it can be cute, if it's an occasional, offhand compliment, but don't try too hard. It's just annoying.

How do girls feel about guys cussing?

It depends on the girl. Some girls find it attractive, while others find it a big turn-off. If you're trying to impress a girl, look first at how she acts, and try to use some of her same mannerisms.

What if a girl flirts with other guys but looks at you while shes doing it what does this mean?

it means she likes u and is trying to impress u :) x

How to impress a girl by messages?

You can impress the girl by writing a message about how much you like and respect her.

How do you get a girl to say hi?

impress her but then how do u impress her?