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A girl likes a guy that loves her and takes care of her and doesnt want her just 4 sex or anything like that. And when you think the time is right call her over and dont say but show her you have a intrest in her and then give her some days to think about it then ask her out or tell her you like her after and im sure she would have an answer. im a girl so i should know :)

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12y ago
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13y ago

It all depends on the girl and her likes and dislikes.

Most often girls like a guy that makes her feel save and secure. Usually a guy that makes that girl happy is a winner. Some girls are more interested in looks than personality, or vice versa. Some enjoy both. With looks it can be height, muscles, eyes, hair colour, and even sometimes the overall opinion of what others think of this particular guy. With personality it is how funny he is, smarts, caring, not too clingy but always there, a good person, good listener.

Most guys can tell what girls are interested in by what they surround themselves with. If you like a girl though, go for it. Live life on the edge a little, you only have once chance to live, make it worth.

Hope this helped ! :)

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12y ago

Someone funny that can make them laugh, makes them feel special, a little good looking at least, someone they can be themselves around, and someone who wouldn't care if they dressed like crap and ate like a pig.

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14y ago

Physical appearance, personality, sense of humor. One more than the other... but if you love a man, then obviously you love everything about them including their flaws.

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13y ago

Hey, girls like polite, sweet men.

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12y ago


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4y ago

I always seem to have a crush on guys that are funny, polite, and act like a gentleman. I don’t like guys that try to take advantage of women. I’m an old-fashioned woman, and I like a man who thinks he can protect me, that’s kinda cute. I also care about the way he dresses. I don’t find tank tops and tight pants on a man attractive, and I don’t like these new shaggy, long hairstyles. I like them wearing a suit, not very fancy, but nice. Look at some photos of Elvis Presley in the 1950s. I love those suits he wore, even if he wasn’t wearing a tie! I also like how kind and respectful he was. Watch some of his interviews, I like men that act like Elvis! But don’t overdo it! I can tell when a man is faking it 😉. I also like a man that makes the first move. Don’t be afraid to ask a woman on a date, or ask her to marry you 😆, and don't be afraid to ask a woman, if she says no, don’t worry about it! But if she says yes, then way to go! Overall, just be a real gentleman.

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