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Biblically, Mary's cousin, Elizabeth named her child John, later to become known as John the Baptist.

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Q: What did marys cousin name her baby?
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What was marys cousin?

Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist is the cousin of Mary Magdalene.

My cousin's girlfriend is having a baby by someone else but my cousin plans on raising the baby with her like his own but can they give the baby my cousins last name?

If the babies mother wants the baby to have your cousins last name then the baby can. When the baby is registered if the baby's mother takes the baby on her own then only her name can appear on the birth certificate and the baby will take her surname. If your cousin wants his name on then he needs to go to get her registered as well and then the baby can have his surname.

If a cousin has a baby what relation is the other cousin?

If a cousin has a baby, the baby is a cousin one further time removed to all other cousins of the parent. If the parent has a second cousin, the baby is a second cousin, once removed, to that person. If the parent has a first cousin, once removed, the baby is a first cousin, twice removed, to that person.

What is the name of Marys cousin who Mary goes to visit before Jesus was born?

After Angel Gabriel Gabriel told Mary she would have Jesus, she went over to her cousin Elizabeth's house, to congragulate on her bundle of joy.

What relation is your cousin baby to your baby?

second cousin

What relationship is cousins baby to you?

Your cousin's baby would be your second cousin

What is the name of Niall Horans baby cousin?

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If you cousin has a baby is the baby your cousin also?

Technically, yes. To be specific, you are second cousins.

What do you call your cousins baby?

Your 1st cousin's baby is your 1st cousin once removed.

Your mums sisters x partner had a baby he then went off and had a baby with another women do that baby make him your cousin?

your aunts baby is your cousin but unless your aunt married her the man that fathered her baby and the other bby then the other baby is not you cousin. If your aunt and the man are married then the baby he had with another woman is your cousin in law.

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Peppa pig's brother is called George, the answer before was wrong as Alexander pig is Peppa and George's baby cousin

On the Mary Tyler Moore Show where was Ted and Georgette's baby born?

marys apartment