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Q: What could you say to make your girlfriend believe you?
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it doesn't say on the internet, believe me it doesn't say on the internet, believe me

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i don't believe he has one because it says when u say do he have one it say no.. but if he want one he could proublehave one..I really like jaden but I don't know if he like me and I promise I will make him happy.........................

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There are many sentences you can make up for the word believe. You could say that you believe in miracles for example.

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Only if you want to be his girlfriend. it does if u say yes

Why does your girlfriend say that you aren't together and she doesn't love you?

I believe she trying to breakup with you - sorry.

How do you make a boyfriend or girlfriend?

although i am not quite sure what u r saying i believe u cant make someone be a boyfriend or girlfriend but lets say a girl has a crush on someone. if she wants him that bad he might try to get to know this guy or impress him in any way possible after the guy falls for her they become girlfriend and boyfriend

What if aboy say that he have a girl friend and he give his phone number to you?

maybe he's just trying to make his girlfriend jelous.or he likes you alot.or he could just like you as a friend if i was you i would tell his girlfriend!

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grow a pair and ask her BUT DON'T rush the kiss make her laugh a bit believe me you will be satisfied and probable have sex

What do you do when you see a shooting star?

Make a wish? if you believe in that sort of thing or you could say "oh" and "ah" or something.

How can you make girlfriends?

Since I am a girl I would like the guy to talk to me first we could become friends then he could nicely say will u go out with me or will u be my girlfriend or anything like that

If you believe in god but not Jesus does that make you a athious?

No, not nesessarily. I could be wrong but I think some Jewish people believe in God but not Jesus. Athiests say there is no God.

How do you win over a girl who has a controlling boyfriend?

Everytime you could ask the boy random questions so he can listen to you after your done say something unserious question so he can believe it after your done you could go to your girlfriend and stay with your love.