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maybe he's insecure maybe he just doesn't want to have to relive it maybe your just too nosy

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Q: What could it mean if your husband won't talk about his past?
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If you talk to someone about past relationships that were bad for both of you what could that mean if you never talk to other people about that?

just talk stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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talk to your husband about what you've just witnessed and if he is nervous about it then something serious could be happening!!

How do you help your husband get over your past relationships?

i could think of many ways.but the main one would to talk to him about it explaining it and how its over.=if its not over dont tell him it is then go out everynight and not come in til late!=

If a husband don't have any sexual relation with wife and spend more time with his guy friend and takes more time to dress himself he is conscious about his looks does it mean that he is gay?

That is technically something the wife would have to talk to the husband about. The wife would be better off letting the husband know that she won't judge him if it is true. Things like sexuality can sometimes be caused by a past occurrence, therefore, could be offensive.

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Maybe.this could mean or your husband has feelings for other women or friends or it is just a natural thing.

How could you make your boyfriend forget about your past relationships?

Dont talk about them

When to use could have and could have had?

"Could have" is used to talk about possibilities in the past, such as regret or hypothetical situations. For example, "I could have studied harder for the exam." "Could have had" is used to talk about missed opportunities or things that were possible in the past but didn't happen. For example, "I could have had a great job if I had applied myself more."

What is the past tense of talk?

The past tense of talk is talked.

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it means to have a good husband

What does 'could talk in the book' mean?

to speak

What is the past tense and past participle of talk?

Talked is the past tense and past participle of talk.

What is the past participle of talk?

"Talked" is already the past participle, or past indicative, of "talk". "Talked" as such does not have a past participle, because it is not an infinitive form of a verb.