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Yes. Agreed, but to answer more fully, second cousins are from the bloodline of a common great-grandparent. Put another way, Person A and Person B, the second cousins, each have a grandparent who had at least one parent in common. (This might occur if one parent remarried and that couple gave birth to another child). If they had both parents in common, such second cousins are sometimes referred to as "double" second cousins, but most people don't get that technical. Therefore, to be clear, even grandparents who are only half-siblings would still have grandchildren who are second cousins. There is no such thing as a "half-cousin" relationship. Cousin means you are related by blood through a common relative, one - period.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Whether a first cousin twice removed is a "close relative" is a matter of opinion and depends in part on why you are trying to determine that. Many people would not consider this to be a close relationship, but others wold.

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14y ago

Your First cousins are the children of your parents' brothers and sisters.

Your Second cousins are the grand children of your grandparents' brothers and sisters.

Your Third cousins are the great grandchildren of your great grandparent's brothers and sisters.

Your First cousins, once removed, are the children of your first cousins.

Your First cousins, twice removed, are the grandchildren of your first cousins.

Your Second cousins, once removed, are the children of your second cousins.

And so forth.

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9y ago

No. Your immediate family is the parents and any siblings.

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13y ago

Yes. Any relatives who are not parents, siblings or children are considered to be extended family.

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13y ago

Yes it kinda is, as your second cousin is your cousin's son or daughter, and you are blood related to your cousin.

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14y ago

Yes, any two people who are any kind of cousins share an ancestor and are therefore related, although sometimes very distantly related.

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Q: What constitutes a second cousin and other family relations?
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There is no relationship of "quarter cousin." If you have a first cousin, your son and that first cousin are first cousins, once removed. If you have a second cousin, your son and the second cousin are second cousins, once removed. Whatever cousin you have, your son and that cousin are the same kind of cousins, once removed.

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Your child and your first cousin's child are second cousins. Your child and your second cousin's child are third cousins. It gets more complicated if you are talking about the child of a first or second cousins, etc, once removed or twice removed, etc.

What does once removed mean - as in second cousin once removed?

It means they are one generation removed from you on your family tree. Your second cousin once removed is either your parent's second cousin, or your second cousin's child.

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Your parent's first cousin is your first cousin once-removed . Your parent's second cousin is your second cousin, once removed. And so forth...

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The child of your first cousin oncer removed is your first cousin twice removed, or your second cousin, depending on which end of the relations you are on..

Can you have babys with second cousin?

Certainly, if you and your second cousin are of different sexes, youcan make babies with that second cousin. Whether you should or not depends on the social norms of your community and family.

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Your mother's first cousin in your first cousin, once removed. Her second cousin is your second cousin, once removed.Your mother's first cousin, once removed could be your first cousin twice removed or your second cousin, depending on the relative positions of your mother and the cousin in their family tree,Your first cousin once removed.

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You and your first cousin's daughter are first cousin, once removed, to each other. Your child and your first cousin's child are second cousins to each other.

What family relationship is my mother's cousin to me?

The first cousin of your mother's first cousin may be your second cousin, or may not be related to you at all. It depends on how he cousin relationship in your mother's generation is structured.

What second cousin?

Second cousins are the people in your family who have the same great-grandparents as you, but not the same grandparents.