

Best Answer
  • You can't break up this time
  • You need to truly want to love them forever
  • You need to be able to support yourselves.
  • The's no backing out now......
  • They need to love you too
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14y ago
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12y ago

This is when you have become totally attached to the person and you literally cannot do anything without them; you love the person unconditionally and do not see yourself living with anyone else except that person. So people make this lifetime commitment to spend the rest of their lives with that person.


True love in which you cannot even comprehend the thought of being with anyone else. That is when you know.

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Q: What concerns about lifelong commitment?
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There is no fixed age or indeed expectation for women to get divorced. If you plan to get married then you should do so on the basis that the commitment will be lifelong.

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Give it a year and if he tells you he loves you, and you can tell that his love is a lifelong commitment and that he wants to marry you, then he probably also likes you and you should get married.

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If I'm 16 and my boyfriend is 24 could i get married?

Only if you get your parent or legal guardians consent. Are you sure you want to make a lifelong commitment this early? I can say from experience that divorces ruin lives

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