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Any number of things could upset one partner in a relationship.

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Q: What causes one partner to be discordant?
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What makes HIV discordant couples?

Discordant means that one of the partners has HIV and the other does not.

Why is it that one of the partner who is infected cannot infect the other in the discordant couple?

The issue perhaps is not that the HIV partner cannotinfect, but that the partner has not yet infected the non-infected partner.Odds are that an infected person who has unprotected sex with the non-infected partner will eventually pass on the disease.Research has shown that there is a small percentage of the human population that is incapable of contracting the HIV virus due to a genetic mutation that does not allow the virus to reproduce. However, unless this is the case with all discordant couples (which is highly unlikely) the virus will likely be passed on with repeated exposure.

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Batholiths are typically discordant intrusions, meaning they cut across the existing rock layers and do not conform to the bedding planes of the surrounding rocks.

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Is discordant a verb adjective or noun?

"Discordant" is an adjective. It is used to describe something that is not in harmony or agreement.

What is discordant color?

discordant color is inharmonious combinations of hue, often at great distance on color wheel.

How do you Use discord in a sentence?

The family trip was ruined due to discord amongst the members.

Is batholith discordant?

Yes, batholiths are discordant intrusions of igneous rock that cut across existing rock layers. They are formed by the crystallization of magma deep below the Earth's surface and later exposed through erosion.

What are the release dates for The House Discordant - 1914?

The House Discordant - 1914 was released on: USA: 2 July 1914

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How do you use the word discord in a sentence?

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