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your son is of a age where he can decide to live with you unless a care order while 18 is on him

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Q: What can you do your seventeen year old son lives with his dad he wants to live me when your son told the judge that his dad hit him and lied in court the judge said that was no big deal?
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No but if it goes to court the judge will probably hear what he wants but the court is not obligated to follow his wish. Until he is 18 it's his parents who decide which of them he will live with. If he wants to live somewhere else he will need their consent.

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As trite as it sounds - turn yourself in IN PERSON. The judge wants to see YOU - not your attorney.

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Unless the judge ask for it or the child lives in a state where he/she is old enough for a judge to listen to, the child will not be heard. It's the parents or court who decides custody and the child can not choose. If the child will be heard he/she has the right to say whatever they want.ClarificationCourts rarely require a child to testify in a custody matter and if they do, the judge is more likely to speak with the child privately rather than have them "testify" in court. The child cannot be "called as a witness" for one party. If the judge wants to speak with the child the parent cannot refuse. In most cases the judge will order an evaluation by one or more court appointed professionals (psychologist, pediatrician, social worker, attorney, etc.) who will then submit a report of their findings and recommendations to the judge to assist her/him in rendering a decision. The judge will then, in some cases, interview the child.

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