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Things 11 year olds can do include:

1) Write/draw a comic strip

2) Build model cars or airplanes

3) Play a board or card game

4) Walk the dog - or a neighbors dog

5) Make up new words to make a song funny

6) Write a play and act it out

7) Make finger puppets

8) Make funny masks

9) Find recipes for no bake cookies and make them

10) Write a new ending to your favorite movie or cartoon.

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Play A Game Of Scrabble Or Monopoly Or Dares Or Sumet Like That

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Q: What can you do when your bored and you have your best friend around?
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If your best friend likes you, they talk to you and help you with your problems without getting bored and changing the subject. If you doubt their friendship then its prolly not a true friendship, talk to them about it. If they're your friend they will understand an not get mad.

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go to your other friend's house.

What can you when bored and your best friend around?

your bored get a life naa serously if you are bored and your mates around play games with each other like rock paper sissors or twister if you are above the age of 18 you can play chess drink which is where if you take a chess piece you get to drink it if you win you watch your mate strip and if you lose well you guessied it you have to strip and there is the risk of your mate taking your clothes if you are 16 you can play thruth or dare but with a twist

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Get on the computer, sleep, watch TV, eat, do somthing outside or just sit around bored. :)

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It is his choice that he is cheating on you with your best friend. He might not find you interesting enough for that. He might be bored of you that is why he might be cheating.

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You know you have a best friend when .. *you share clothes to make it look like you have more *you can tell them anything and dont even have to tell them to not tell anyone *you can talk to them on the phone for hours and not get bored of them *you always have the best of times & never get tired of each other

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This means that of the girls he/she hangs around, you are the best of them. This is not to be mistakened with "girl friend". But a girl, that's a good friend.

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This is possible if you are not around your best friend when you talk to her or are in another city, town, state, country, or continent away from best friend.

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Read, watch television, make something, homework or work, learn to play or practice an instrument, talk to friend, go on the computer and there are so many things to do that you actually can't get bored ! RUN AROUND IN CIRCLES AND ROLL AROUND ON THE FLOOR.

My former friend Is mean to me and he said to my Former best friend he said who needs me around Does that mean he's miss me?

If your former friend is mean to you and told your former best friend, who needs her around, then no, that friend doesn't miss you. That friend clearly is mean and doesn't want to be friends anymore.