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what I would do is contact the police or tell someone really close to the abused person if it's true and no lies

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Q: What can you do if you know someone who is being abused and won't tell anyone because of their siblings?
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Absolutely Anyone!

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I am not an expert but anyone can help stop child abuse. If you are 14 and being abused or know someone who is, you should definitely report it. You can tell anyone, a teacher, a parent of a friend, a relative. No one deserves to be hurt like that no matter what they did. Especially not a child! Please report to someone if you know that someone is in a bad situation.

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Anyone can fall in love with anyone, however human nature is prone to not be attracted to someone you grew up with mostly in the first 6 years of life. This is a evolutionary defense against incest. This also often applies to very old childhood friends, adopted siblings, and foster siblings, but doesn't work for siblings separated at birth and later reunited. This rule is not concrete there are always those cases where it seems to not aplly, but for the most part siblings do not fall in love if they grew up together.

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no the vets and volenteers make shure of that.

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The person being abused and any children who are there to witness it are victims.

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