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Tell him and tell him why

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Q: What are you supposed to say to your boyfriend when you did something you regret?
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What are some good sarcastic remarks you usually regret saying later?

usually if you say something stupid like ur face or ur mom or something like that you regret being stupid and saying that, but also if you say something really rude you regret it

What is something sweet to say to your boyfriend when he ask why do you like me?

You can start by learning proper grammar:"What is something sweet to say to your boyfriend when he asks why do you like me?"

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There's no rules that say who's supposed to have it, decide between you.

Something to say to a boyfriend?

It depends on the situation

What is something really sweet to say to you boyfriend?

Just say thanks or something little like that. we love that.

How did iThink did not get the answer from Carly after they kissed?

freddie didnt want to say something he would regret, and sam didnt want to say something that seemed like she likes freddie

Why cant you say how you feel to your boyfriend?

It is something that takes practice.

Who was Olivia Holt boyfriend?

i have no clue i just wanted to say something

What should you say to your boyfriend when he tells you to make him a sandwich?

Ok, but you have to do something for me.

How do you tell your parents about your boyfriend?

Just say dad (but i prefer mom) I have something to confess and tell them!!AnswerJust say dad (but i prefer mom) I have something to confess and tell them!! Don't hide it. A boyfriend is something that shouldn't be hidden. If you are to scared to tell your parents, then what's the point about a boyfriend. Parents then boyfriends

What can you say to your boyfriend to start a conversation?

You can say...Hey how was your day..or ask him something like have you ever seen... or telling him what you think about something

How do you say you'll regret it in ilocano?

In Ilocano, you can say "saanko a mabisin" to mean "you'll regret it."