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Let me answer this question from opposite angle..

What i dont expect:

- I cannot expect some one who is gorgeous looking as Miss world..but some one with decent looks

- I cannot expect them to be totally compatible with my thinking and behaviour. differences are bound to crop up. So i expect someone with whom the differences are manageable.

Now let me tell you what i expect:

- i expect some one who is capable of loving me and my parents as her own.

- i expect some one whom i can respect for some good quality of hers.

- i expect someone who has observed people and their typical behaviours in

the past, so that she knows what is relatively good and what is relatively

bad in our current world.

- i expect some one who is sensible in taking daily routine decisions

Finally, i would expect someone in whose presence i feel happy most of the time and with whom i can talk anything under the sky.

__________________________________________________________________________________ When both of you have no problems in committing yourselves to freely demonstrate such qualities as compassion, respect, compromise and dependability, then you may have found a life partner. The KEY to true Love and Romance are not like recipes that you can use for that perfect relationship. That Key is unique to every couple and relates to their social cultures and values. Almost every human relationship has its ups and downs. When people can focus on the important and valuable stuff that makes it all worthwhile, rather than curse the stuff that causes pain then they are on the way to finding true-life partnership. A Loving relationship is based on dependability, compassion, respect and compromise. You must be able to share the pain along with the pleasure and if you try to avoid the painful issues then you are heading for trouble. You should not make critical decisions in life just because it's the fashionable thing to do. You may just end up on an emotional roller coaster ride to depression.

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16y ago
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9y ago

Trust is the foremost thing that one looks. It is because of the fact that trusting your partner is very important.

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13y ago

Well thye first obvious thing is honesty all was be honest to your partner and loyalty

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Q: What are you looking for in a relationship with a partner?
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