Societies which have made pre-marital sex a legal issue notwithstanding, my personal opinion is that abstinence is a religious concept, and as such, it is more acceptable to those with stronger religious upbringings. That said, a mature man, while perhaps not personally an adherent of the concept, will always respect the beliefs of his partner. The above poster made some fine points, but in these modern times "safe sex" is a MUST because of sexually transmitted diseases. If a person wants to refrain from sex then they should be up-front with their partner before continuing on with the relationship. Both have to believe in it. Believe it or or not there are some young women still out there that would feel a lot of relief if a guy said this. Not all young women want to be pawed, mauled and have the stress of realizing if she doesn't "put out" she could well lose her boyfriend and this can also be stressful on some men that prefer to wait to have a sexual relationship and there are some young men still out there that don't want to rush things. Good for them and very smart! The question is about abstinence, not safe sex. Safe sex is certainly "a must" in these modern times...abstinence is not. Abstinence is a choice that individuals (and couples) make, usually, but not always, based on religious upbringing, and a choice that should certainly be respected if it's not shared. "Pawing and mauling" have no place in any relationship...unless, of course, it's mutual. But then again, as I said in the first post, this is a "personal opinion," not a pronouncement of fact. (As an aside, abstinence before marriage by one partner offers no guaranteed protection against STDs.)
An abstinence ring is another name for a purity ring, a ring representing a Christian religious vow to abstain from sexual intercourse until marriage.
birth control methods ********* Actually- abstinence means not having sex. That doesn't mean that you can't ever stay 'sex-less' forever, however. Usually this means not until marriage. You benefit from abstinence by not having to suffer with the consequences- Pregnancy, STDS ( sexually transmitted diseases), etc.
Zach and Chelsey cited personal beliefs in waiting until marriage, wanting to avoid the potential emotional and physical consequences of sex outside of marriage, and a desire to focus on building a strong emotional connection before adding a physical aspect to their relationship as reasons for choosing abstinence.
Definitions and explanations
Because teens have sex and they should really not become parents yet. Now someone say abstinence is 100% safe. But it's not. 90% of all Americans have sex before marriage and there was a test done where students said they were going to wait until marriage but by the time they reached college 80% had done it anyway. So abstinence=80% failure rate.
Zachary Walker Hanson is best known as Zac Hanson, the drummer in the pop group Hanson. He has also gained some notoriety for his promotion of teenage abstinence, having participated in and promoted the "Wait Until Marriage" campaign.
Some common Muslim dating customs include: no sex until marriage, no kissing until marriage, no oral sex until marriage, and no digital sex until marriage.
Purity rings (also known as chastity rings, promise rings, or abstinence rings) originated in the United States in the 1990s among Christian-affiliated sexual abstinence groups. The rings are sold to adolescents, or to parents so that the rings may be given to their adolescent children as gifts. Wearing a purity ring is typically accompanied by a religious vow to practice abstinence until marriage. The ring is worn with the implication that the wearer will remain abstinent until it is replaced with a wedding ring. I have not heard of this 'purity ring' fad in circles other than Christian.
i think you should have sex before marriage because one you need practice cause if you marry someone who is well at it they get bored soon in their eyes start wondering sooner which starts the first step to divorce. Two you need to find what you like and dislike three have something to bring to the table that is new to your partner.
Courtney should most definitely save herself for marriage. She will be protecting herself from dangerous and life changing outcomes (STDs, Unexpected pregnancy, emotional attachment to a person she may not be with for the rest of her life).The most important reason to keep pure until marriage: God has just the right person picked out for Courtney. Practicing abstinence now will allow her to give that gift to her husband (and his gift to you as well, if he has remained pure).God bless you, Courtney.
Yes, there are many people who are virgin until marriage.
Some religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism, teach that sexual intercourse should not take place outside of marriage. Those who interpret these teachings literally and choose to follow the rules strictly may decide to remain abstinent and postpone sex until after marriage.