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friendly relationships between co-workers.

friendly relationships between co-workers.

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Q: What are the various relationships which exist within a formal organizational structure of a medium construction company at site level?
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What is the company organgram?

It is an organizational chart that represents an organizational structure.

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The Nike sportswear company is organized in a matrix organizational structure, more commonly known as a flat organizational structure.

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The Nestle Company's organizational structure is composed of a Board of Directors. Thirteen members are designated to control various sections of the business.

What is the relationship between the mission and vision of a company to its organizational structure?

The mission and vision of a company can be integral to its organizational structure. The mission and vision can determine the chain of command and influence whether the company functions under a horizontal or vertical structure.

Relationship between organizational structure and strategy implementation?

Organizational structure and strategy are related because organizational strategy helps a company define and build its organizational structure. A company's organizational structure is based on the result of the analysis of organizational strategy. The company will use these results to determine its areas of concentration and how to position itself in order to succeed. The relationship between organizational structure and strategy becomes clearer when the company's strategy is in place. With a clear focus of what it wants to achieve, the organization will proceed to align its structure in such a manner to best achieve this. It will allocate responsibilities for optimal results, create branches, and decide whether individual efforts or group participation is the best method for it to achieve its goals. The organizational structure and strategy will also help the company decide if the tone of the company should be strictly formal, semi-formal or informal. All of these decisions can be made after determining the organizational strategy of the company.

How do you illustrate the various relationships that exist within a formal organizational structure of a medium construction company at site level on an organizational chart?

Try to use Social Network Analysis. It is a very useful tool to map relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, etc. The nodes in the network are the people, groups or organizations. while the links show relationships or flows between the nodes. SNA provides both a visual and a mathematical analysis of human relationships. There are lots of software can do the analysis for you. If you need more information about SNA please check

What are the two basic types of structure?

Two types of organizational structures are Matrix and product . Product organizational structure is dependent on the product that the company makes.

Which positions are necessary in an organizational chart?

Organizational charts are used to provide employees and clients a detailed explanation, or picture, of reporting relationships, divisions of work, and levels of management. These charts are typically used by bigger organizations to help maintain structure within the company.

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Where can you get the organizational structure of gardenia bakeries Philippines inc?

Gardenia Bakeries is a popular bakery chain in the Philippines. Information on the organizational structure of the company can be found by contacting Gardenia direct.