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  • Be very wary of someone who accuses your boyfriend of cheating unless they can prove it without a doubt. If this is a girlfriend that has told you then again be wary as she may be trying to get the two of you to break up. If it a guy then it is possible that he may care for you and want you to break up with your boyfriend. Be smart and get this accuser to stand by you while your confront your boyfriend. If the accuser says they do not want to do it then it is highly possible they were not telling the truth. If they believe it; saw it happen then there should be no problem. If you cannot get the accuser to admit this to your boyfriend's face then you should confront your boyfriend by saying, '________told me that you were cheating. Is this true?' One way or the other you will get your answer.
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Q: What are the percentage if someone says your boyfriend cheated that he did?
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You just ignore it because you know you didnt cheat but if you did, that's a whole diffrent story.

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This question doesn't make sense. Find someone who doesn't cheat, first and foremost.

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You can't tell 100% sure. Talk to him about it, but you have to have enough trust in him to believe what he says. If you don't have that much trust in him, then you may want to reconsider being with him. It's a hard thing to have a relationship with someone you don't have full trust in.

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If mean she/he wants you as a girlfriend/boyfriend

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There are two possibilities: one is that she is lying to try to break you up or just to be mean, or she is telling the truth and he is lying. Regardless, I think it is safe to say she is not someone you should trust automatically, as she must be either a cheater or a liar.

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he probably is mad at you then.

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you will have to earn the trust back and it will always be harder for him because he wont know if you will do it again.