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that is when lets say you have depression and are suicidal and some person is way rude and uses your weakness to their advantage. or abuse that damages you in the way you think...

Emotional abuse is the cornerstone of all the abuses because emotional abuse is always present during physical child abuse, child neglect, and sexual child abuse, and it is the only abuse that can stand on its own. It does not have to accompany any of the other abuses. Emotional child abuse is defined as the constant attack of a child or youth by an adult that negatively affects the child or youth's self-worth. It is important to note here the word 'constant'. With emotional abuse, the child/youth receives only negative messages, nothing positive. what is the difference between emotional and mental abuse does this kind of abuse result in mental illness like bi-polar psychosis in youth and adulthood

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12y ago

Examples of emotional abuse include some of the following:

-name calling


-being called ugly

-being called fat

-changes of behavior around certain people such as friends...

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telling someone that they are a worthless piece of s**t and that no one cares about them.

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A form of emotional abuse could include taking away rights or privileges without Physical, sexual or verbal abuse.

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Is emotional abuse a crime?

Generally no. However, in cases of the emotional abuse of a child, the authorities might remove the child from that home.



If your an emotional abuser what causes them to leave?

the victim or the abuser? emotional abuse cuts deeper than physical abuse. it has to do with manipulation. though emotional abuse and physical abuse ususally go hand in hand.

Can emotional abuse turn physical how long does it take before the abuse gets physical?

Emotional abuse can sometimes escalate to physical abuse, but not all cases of emotional abuse lead to physical violence. The timeline for when emotional abuse may turn physical varies and is difficult to predict. It depends on multiple factors such as the individuals involved, the severity of the emotional abuse, and the underlying dynamics of the relationship. If you are experiencing emotional abuse, it is important to reach out for help and support as early as possible.

Is it illegal for parents to emotionally abuse their kids?

Not on a general basis, but if one partner wants to get a divorce from the other they can use 'emotional abuse' as a way to get that divorce. If one is emotionally abused, it is just as bad as being physically abused (you just can't see the scars) and the victim should leave their abuser.

Can a person sue for emotional abuse when a parent or guardian tries to destroy the relationship with the other parent?

Depends on how traumatic the emotional abuse is.

Is passive aggressiveness emotional abuse?

Passive aggressiveness seems like it would be a result of emotional abuse rather than a cause or type of emotional abuse. But if you think about it, maybe it could cause emotional abuse if like, your around a passive aggressive person consistantly like at home because you wouldn't know how to percieve that person or know their next reaction so yeah, In my opinion I think passive aggressiveness COULD be emotional abuse.

Is calling a child a retard and other profanities considered emotional abuse?

= Emotional abuse is hard and I think worse in some cases than physical abuse. Bruises heal but being emotionally scared can make a child angry, insecure and withdrawn. It is of my own personal opinion very cruel and soul destroying for a child to cope with this, so yes I do believe it is emotional abuse. Answer It is absolutely emotional abuse.

Verbal abuse falls under what category?

Verbal abuse falls under the category of emotional or psychological abuse. It includes using words to criticize, degrade, intimidate, or manipulate another person, causing harm to their emotional well-being.

How can physical abuse?

define the following types of abuse. physical abuse, sexual abuse , emotional abuse, financial abuse, institutional abuse, self neglect ,and neglect by others.

Can anxiety be caused by emotional abuse?

Yes, it is very possible that anxiety is caused by emotional abuse. A doctor will be able to start a treatment plan for the anxiety.

Physical abuse versus emotional abuse?

The only difference between physical and emotional abuse is that the physical abuse can usually be seen and the emotional abuse is scarring your mind. Physical abuse is bruising, pushing, slapping, breaking bones, etc. Emotional abuse is when someone always says your fat, ugly, useless, stupid, etc. These are usually both happening as a pattern of abuse. Though widely thought of as happening to just women, there have been a lot of men who have suffered under women who abuse also. Either way, they are both abusive behaviors and have painful repercussions to the individual being abused.