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Young love never stops paining all of us through each generation. Since I am much older now I look back and wish that I knew what I know now and it would have all been much more simpler. LOL Well, that's never going to be.

Young love is very special and I look back on some of my loves in the past and I'm glad I had the experiences even if the relationships didn't work out or how heart breaking some breakups were. They are learning tools for us all and when we are more mature we can sometimes look back and have fond memories and even a few giggles. Sometimes we wonder whatever happened to those lost loves.

I don't feel there is disadvantages of being young and in love with the exception of sex. That's always been a tough one throughout all generations and of course now, one has to be so careful of sexually transmitted diseases. Other than that although painful at times I think young love (that first kiss) is awesome.

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14y ago

d disadvantages r a lot. teen r mentally n emotionally unstable individuals. only some rare cases prove dat is wrong. ,majority of them don't know how cope stress,control feelings,desire,temptations and so on. dey also tend 2 adapt a lot from d cinemas and movies which only reflects imagination n not reality of real life. dey also feel dat it is a fashion 2 hav a love partner orelse dey will be called outdated. love may start at young age but it is only alive wen dey get mature n start realizing lotz of real stuffz about life.. teens also tends 2 fall 4 sexual temptation which is just a minor part of love.

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14y ago

To do silly things or maybe you break up and you cry for ever and ever and on and on.

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