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No one around you could understand you. You could lose your sense of self.

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Q: What are the disadvantages of losing your culture Languages going extinct?
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What are disadvantages of losing your sense of sight?

disadvantages of losing sense of sight

What are the disadvantages of using leaflets in different languages?

Disadvantages of using leaflets in different languages include potential increased production costs, difficulty in ensuring accurate translations, and the risk of losing the impact of the message if not tailored effectively to each language and cultural context.

Is Singapore losing its culture?

yes yes it is

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Pandas are becoming extinct because people cut down bamboo forests and pandas eat bamboo. So they basically are losing food.

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there are no disadvantages unless you go overboard and the advantages are: feeling better, looking better, losing weight,and loads more

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There are three disadvantages of renting. The three main disadvantages are not owning the place, having a lawn lord and losing money.

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People are losing the traditions of their culture!!stay up,BaTman

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The disadvantages of science in daily life is that we are losing the some what "connection" between our past selves. Meaning that we are becoming more "non-original".

Apache culture losing their language?

Today there are around 15,000 fluent speakers of the Apache languages in the south-western USA, considerably more than many other native groups. Some schools teach the western and eastern Apache languages to native children. Despite this there are already some dialects (notably Lipan) that have become extinct and others (Chiricahua, Mescalero, Jicarilla and Western Apache) are considered endangered. It is a very sad fact that native languages throughout the USA are currently in decline, for a variety of reasons - these include the comparative simplicity of English, its widespread use in media and literature and real fears among young people of not using native languages correctly and consequently being thought incompetent by their elders (when English seems to be abused, mangled and mutilated without any penalties).

What are the disadvantages of losing your sense of sight?

Losing your sense of sight can lead to difficulty performing daily tasks independently, challenges in navigating your environment, and potential social isolation. It can also impact your ability to work and participate in various activities that rely heavily on visual cues.