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This main disadvantage is that if things don't go well, you will have to live with the discomfort of continuing to be around that person. If it is a nasty break up, so much the worse. Friends may choose sides and one person may be the brunt of poor treatment by a larger group of people, especially if some misunderstanding or rumor gets blown out of proportion.

On the other hand, if you view everything in life as a learning and growing experience, then go for it. But one of you may need some sessions with a school counsellor to help you with the hole you may end up digging for yourself.

Really, college is where a lot of people find their mate, and if you are like most people, you will indeed be finding another person to spend your life with (hopefully your whole life).

So....I do suggest you date in college, whatever obstacles and dangers may un/fortuitously arise.

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