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There are some risks to kissing such as contracting viruses (colds, flu, mono, herpes simplex etc.) , STD's (genital herpes/warts, gonorrhea, syphllis etc. ) those are just some examples - I realize it sounds horrible but it is not something to disregard as they are always possibilities not to mention bad breath. Be sure of your partner.

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13y ago


Good question indeed, now a days especially teenagers they thought kissing is very sexy or even the right thing to do with their boyfriend/girlfriend. Being naive is how our children get in trouble now a days. French kiss is nice and all but for young kids (high school, some college) it's a bit dangerous, not dangerous as it will kill them but it will make them sick. Kissing is passion even affectionate but kids now a days must know to be aware to what might transfer to them through kissing. Yes number one disease is mano, this goes around through kissing, saliva being transfer to another is the number one problem now a days.

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