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caring, loving, empathic, understanding

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Q: What are synonyms of compassionate?
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What is the synonyms to the word curel?

gentle, kind, feeling, considerate, and compassionate

What is the synonyms for kind?

patient, quiet, understanding. considerate, nice. compassionate

What are synonyms of the phrase liking to help others?

Synonyms for "liking to help others" include: altruistic, compassionate, helpful, and benevolent.

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benevolent, kind, warm, friendly, obliging, symphathetic, compassionate, harmless, innocent, inoffensive

What are some synonyms for the word altruistic?

Some synonyms for the word altruistic are; selfless, self sacrificing, bighearted, generous, compassionate, humane, kind, kindhearted, openhanded, etc.

Opposite word of cruel?

Some words that are the opposite of cruel include compassionate, sympathetic, merciful, and humane. Some synonyms of cruel are evil and heartless.

What to write about empathetic?

Empathetic can be defined as showing empathy or ready comprehension of other states, wellbeing. Some synonyms are commiserative, compassionate, sympathetic, empathic, humane and understanding.

Who said be compassionate as your heavenly father is compassionate?

Jesus said, be compassionate as your heavenly father is compassionate.

How do use compassionate in a sentence?

I Would like to "compassionate" your Compassion. Or He was Compassionate on the work he did to her.

What is the Italian word for compassionate?

compassionate = compassionevole

How do you spell compassionate?

That is the correct spelling of the word "compassionate".

How do you use compassionate in a sentence?

She showed compassionate towards the homeless man by offering him food and shelter.