there are three different symbiotic relationship:
1. there is mutualism which means that one both species benefit from having the other around
2.there is parasitism which means that one species benefits while the other does not or even dies
3. there is commensalism which means when one species is around the other, one species benefit and the other just stays the same and neither benefits nor doesn't benefit
A nice example of 1 above would be the mitochondria that you have in each of your cells. Without you, they die. Without them, you will have a less enjoyable existence, for they manufacture some chemicals (ATP) that you need for energy, and of which your other (innate) source is much less efficient.
An example of 2 is such diseases such as influenza and Scarlet Fever.
For 3, we have such innocent behaviour such as plants perching in the forks of a tree - adding nothing to the tree, and merely gaining altitude from the tree.
Yea they have more symbiotic relations than humans do, they're smarter
Temperature and ...
some of the animals that show symbiotic relations are.....shark and pilot fish......remora and shark......e.coli and human.....then helicobacter pyroli to human. Also Truffles and Trees.
Bees and bears do share a symbiotic relations ship. Bees produce honey because of the pollen they collect. Bear apparently enjoy eating the honey, inducing the bees to make more honey for the hive.
Periwinkles will out grow their shells, another creature will then take that shell and the periwinkle will take another old shell. This is an example of symbiosis. :)
A myrmecophyte is a plant that has a symbiotic relationship with ants. These plants provide shelter and food for the ants, while the ants protect the plant from herbivores and clear away competing plants.
Question is ambiguous. Some symbiotic what?
Chickens are Symbiotic with your plant beds.
how symbiotic relatonship may evolve
A symbiotic relationship is where two or more different species live together to the mutal benefit of each other. A chameleon's ability to change color depending on its surroundings is an adaptation, not a symbiotic relationship. If it were a symbiotic relationship, that would mean that the chameleon would have a symbiotic relationship with a tree, but it would also have a symbiotic relationship with the sidewalk. It just doesn't work.
I need a symbiotic relationship with the PORPOISE..