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a type of non-verbal behaviors is like touching -Triniti

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Q: What are some types of nonverbal behaviors?
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What are some nonverbal behaviors?

A kick in the shin.

What is the key to idetifying deceptive nonverbal behaviors?

Body Lagague

What is nonverble communication?

Nonverbal communication is behaviors, attributes, or objects. It has scial meaning.

What are the different types of nonverbal categories?

Different types of nonverbal categories include personal space, eye contact, position, posture, expression, gesture, touch, pacing and context.

What are different types of body language?

There are 2:Nonverbal BehaviorInterpretation

What are the three types of nonverbal communication?

e-mail, letter, and a note

True or false - the process of choosing language or nonverbal behaviors to convey your message is known as encoding?

True. In communication theory, encoding is the process of selecting the most appropriate verbal or nonverbal channel to express your message to the receiver.

What does real language is behavior mean verbal or nonverbal?

"Real language is behavior" refers to the idea that communication is not just limited to verbal language, but also includes nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, body language, and gestures. These nonverbal behaviors can often convey more meaning and emotional context than words alone.

What is nonverbal affiliative expressions?

Nonverbal affiliative expressions are nonverbal behaviors or gestures that convey warmth, friendliness, and a desire for connection or affiliation with others. These expressions can include smiling, nodding, making eye contact, and using open body language to signal a sense of openness and approachability. They are important in social interactions as they help to establish rapport and build relationships.

Give 3 types of learning disability?

NLD( nonverbal learning disorder), dyscalculia, and dyslexia.

Could you ever communicate without using nonverbal behaviors?

You do this on the phone or in a tape recording however tone of voice still applies as a non-verbal form of communication.

What is nonverbal communcation?

giving some bad eyecontact