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1. Know smart words to use! Make yourself seem more intelligent

2. You're a waste of my time: (Sometimes picking out an important quote/word from what they've said and using it against them, makes them look stupid) "If I'm such a waste of your time, why do you then? You seem to waste your time talking behind my back, you seem to waste your time making yourself look better then me. It's time that you get out of my life, and move on with yours" (You can end it there)

3. I'm better then you: "You're better then me? Why do you try to make me look so bad, if you're better then me? You have a nasty personality that needs to change, if you go ahead and do what you do to people, then you have no class. And if to you, is what a better person is, then you must really be ignorant and full of yourself."

4. But also "I'm ending this argument right now! I have more important things to do, then thinking about what you have to say to me. What you do and say to people, is so heartless of you. You're full of yourself, and you don't care about anyone. You're not human, you're a black hole that sucks the life out of people, and I'm done with you. I don't need to waste my time with someone who's worthless, because I'm better then that. I don't treat people the way you do, because I know that giving insults to people, and showing no class, shows how much of a person you really are, and how worthless you are of anyone's time."

5. Sniff the air and say: "I smell insecurity".

6. "you know how you'd look a lot better? With a bag over your face."

"I guess we're on the same page huh" or "That means you and me aren't so different after all."

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10y ago
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13y ago

Heres one: after fighting someone, (like a bully) or if you are a bully... then here is a pretty good comeback to get out of the situation, and leave your enemy crying in there bed for 3 days: meet me outside, 3:00 , back of the gym, be there, actually dont be there, i dont like seeing your face outside the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM. and if i have to see your face OUT of school, im gonna hurl.

I know its long, but its easy to remember.

for any of you who play clubpenguin or Roblox...

my cp account is Coach Husky i would be either on mammoth or glacier (servers)

and my roblox account is Bloodyrobloxian

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11y ago

i have a bully problem right now to but ill give it a shot

im rubber yourr glur whatever you say bounces of of me and sticks to you

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