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don't get me started




endoplasmic reticulum my paints stink rubbitusin gibbs farmer joe hillbilly hell blugh itchi bum fasta fasta cos i like pasta my face hurts CRUSH KILL DISTROY da da dadadadada hey dadada penut butter jelleh time yo yo hiyas chinas rocket solider hon kin chin kow i bwoke my thjaw SELF DISTRUC IN 5 4 3 ect ect mum....i am bored do hickety do da woot Wippersnapper Davenport Billfold

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Q: What are some really weird things to say when your bored?
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What can i watch when i rlly bored?

There are so many things that you can watch when you are really bored. For instance, you can find some nice comedies or even cartoons and animations that will cheer you up.

What are some weired things to do with friends?

this isn't really weird but its fun you can make a video for youtube or something

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it soounds really weird but i had to do it before, use some white wine!!

What are some weird names?

HepzibahRudolphOpheliaYuriAsratSylerHaywoodHungComeoniZiaAizelLarkenRamseyCoopersnuffleupalasyasnesImprovement: I love this name but, it is REALLY weird: Pickle.

What are some weird things cats do?

They chew their skin and some times they pul their hair out and leaves it there. Its weird.

What are some good ideas on stuff to do when youre bored?

There are many great ideas out there for people to do when they are bored. Some things to do when your bored is to take a walk, go swimming, read a book, or volunteer somewhere.

Why is worms4 teen?

they say some "weird things" occasionally

Is Alice in Wonderland a weird movie?

that is a opinion really, some people will say yes, and some people will say no. it is up to you if you think it is weird.

Where online can one find images of weird things?

Images of weird things can be found on websites dedicated to strange or funny things, such as WeirdPictureArchive, BitofFun and LivingPictures. Caution should be followed when searching for weird images, as some may not be age appropriate.

What are those weird things on the axolotls head?

They are some kind of growth.

When your bored with your life how do you get a boyfriend?

You don't get a boyfriend because your bored with your life. that's pretty mean and you could really end up hurting someone if your only with them b/c your bored. if your bored with life get some friends, find new things to do. --bored as in I'm looking for a boyfriend. i have tons of friends and i have a lot of fun with them. but they cant fill the spot of a boyfriend. you could also make up a boyfriend so no one gets hurt.