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If you are talking about birth names. I think the funniest name I have ever heard is Bubba or Quinnilynn...

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Aida Medhurst

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Q: What are some names for people?
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What are people names?

Well many of people are called different name's but some girl names are ... Savannah , Julia , Jenny , Brook , .

What are some names people use for babies?

There are thousands of different names that people name their babies. It is usually solely based on the parents preference. Some popular names include Michael, Alex, Katie, Annabelle and Samantha.

Where can you find all the names of people and their family plus where they live?

There is no place where you can find all the names of all people, their families and where they live. There are directories that list some people who live now, and there are a variety of resources (some on-line and some not) where you can find indexes of some people who lived in the past in some places.

Is some people names called arlene?

yes, some people are called arlene eg arlene Phillips :)