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Collecting stamps Collecting Pokemon/Yu Gi Oh cards :P It's just my opinion. ^_^

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Q: What are some geeky hobbies?
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Where can one find good gifts for men online?

Depending on your man's hobbies and tastes, there are some great suggestions on amazon. They offer suggestions for guys who are techie, handy, and moto-geeky.

How does maranda cosgrove like boys?

she likes geeky smart funny strong slim some thin' some a little cute rest has to be hot and geeky

Are smartwatches geeky?

If you consider a wearable tiny iPhone geeky, yup.

Is anime considered geeky?

Anime , as cartoons can be , may be viewed as 'geeky' and are often referred to as Otaku .

Is paintball geeky?

No, paintball is not geeky. Geeks may play it, but it is a many person activity. It can be played one on one on one, or in teams. Men, Women, and many aged kids can play it. It takes thinking, but it isn't nerdy or geeky. It hurts to be shot by a paintball shot, which isn't exactly a geeky thing.

Can you put Tomtom software onto a Magellan Maestro?

i dont know im not some geeky person

What are some of Dustin pedroia's hobbies?

his hobbies are sports

Is enemy territory geeky?

Yes, I and I'm pretty sure many others would consider enemy territory to be geeky.

What is the movie called with a mean girl who picks on a geeky girl and the mean girl marries the geeky girl's brother?

You again

Is the geeky kid from Good Luck Charlie in dolphin tale?

no its a totally different person the geeky kid isnt that cute

What were some of Lewis latimer's hobbies?

some of his hobbies and interest were making things

What are the hobbies of Alice Walker?

Some of her hobbies are reading and writing