As a guy, the best advice is don't try to make excuses. If you don't want to do something with your boyfriend then just be honest and tell him. We don't really get that worked up about this kind of thing unless you are ditching us to go out with another guy or are breaking date after date with us. Your boyfriend just wants you to be happy and he'd rather you have fun doing something you like on your own than being bored out of your mind doing something only he's interested in. So just be polite and tell him you want to make other plans. At the same time, be prepared to repay the favor if he says he'd rather not go shopping with you at the mall.
Some sort of inside joke, something he loves, or something sweet from you.
Go out and have some fun with some friends or something and try getting him off of your mind.
- im sick - I have loads of hw- my mom sealed mu doors and windows closed
Depends some people miss class if they are depressed or sad about something or get excuses to skip school and go somewhere.
no that's a law trust me i do that every day
Some excuses that begin with G:Grandmother's deathGrand mal seizureGastrointestinal issuesGarbage truck accident
There are many ways you can tell or expect a man that he is cheating on you. Noticing a kiss, or the way he treats you, when he 'works late', or when he makes many excuses all the sudden.
This dream is most likely an exaggeration of some disagreement or difference that has developed between the dreamer and her boyfriend. Alternatively, both the divorce and the boyfriend might symbolize something else. For example, the dreamer might have a difference of opinion with a boss or supervisor that could develop into her leaving ("divorcing") her job.
Some people may find it hard to get a boyfriend in high school, while others do not think it difficult.
well the only reason the girl would get mad in the frist place was cause the boyfriend did something wrong, a girl dosent just get mad for no reason. Some thing has to be bothering her obivously.
Some gifts that may be good for your boyfriend's birthday include: video games, movies, music, electronics, or even something handmade or something that is sentimental and has meaning towards your relationship with one another.