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There are many examples of humor including funny humor such as a joke. There is also dark humor that hurts people.

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The best example of a humor appeal is a funny television commercial, or radio ad. The marketers use humor to appeal to the public to sell the product.

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Q: What are some examples of humor?
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What is dark humor and how do you use it what are some examples?

It is material generally associated with death, pain or suffering etc.

What are examples of humor?

Being funny and not being a jackass.

What are the examples of humor?

One example of humor is saying, "That's what she said!" after someone says something that can be considered as sexual!

Where can one find examples of college humor?

Examples of college humor can be found in a book entitled "CollegeHumor". This book can be borrowed from the library or purchased at a bookstore. There is also a website called "CollegeHumor".

What are some examples of sadistic humor or actions of someone you should avoid?

Some examples of sadistic humor or actions to avoid include laughing at others' misfortunes, causing harm or distress to others for amusement, or showing a lack of empathy for others' feelings. It is important to be mindful of how our actions and words can impact those around us and to treat others with kindness and respect.

What is broad humor?

Someone with broad humor laughs at anything and finds humor any where. Also, laughing at people is considered 'broad' humor, and some may refer to jokes about women (Broads) as broad humor.

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butt face

From where does a classical comedy get its humor?

Classical comedians can usually get its humor by their life or some one else's life.

What does sense humor mean?

Humor is like a sense in some ways; it's not just about being funny. It is having the sense to know when to use humor and when humor is being used. People who are said to have a poor sense of humor are people who don't get most jokes.

What does sense of humor mean?

Humor is like a sense in some ways; it's not just about being funny. It is having the sense to know when to use humor and when humor is being used. People who are said to have a poor sense of humor are people who don't get most jokes.

What are some connective tissue?

The three types are collagenous fibers, elastic fibers, and reticular fibers. Some examples of collagenous fibers are; tendons, skin, bone, teeth, hyaline cartilage, vitreous humor, the lens of the eye, cartilage, hair, and placenta. Some examples of elastic fibers are found in arteries, veins, and elastic cartilage. Some examples of reticular fibers are found in the meshwork of bone marrow, the liver, and lymphatic system.