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Sextuplets sextuplets. sextuplets

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Q: What are six kids called when they all have the same parent?
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When a plant self pollinate and all offspring have the same trait as the parent it is called?

The parent plant is called a true breeding plant.

When a plant self pollinates and all offspring have the same trait as the parent it is called?

The parent plant is called a true breeding plant.

When a plant self pollinates and all offspring have the same trait as the paerent it is called?

When a plant self-pollinates and all offspring have the same trait as the parent, it is called homozygous. This means that the offspring have inherited identical alleles for that specific trait from both parent plants.

Should a parent be concerned if 14 year old son gives a girl a ring without parent knowing?

Answer As a parent myself I wouldn't be too worried about it. They are kids and it's only probably a cheap ring anyway. Kids will be kids and the both of them are going through puberity, let them live a bit, but keep an eye on them all the same, better safe than sorry.

Should all Internet games be banned for kids?

No, it's all a matter of the parent's consent.

Are kids allowed to have a piercing?

Legally yes, but it is all up to the parent weather to allow it or not.

Do all cells have a parent-cell?

All cells originate from a previous cell, and if there is only one of them it is called the "parent cell". In the context of reproducing, the cell made from a parent cell is called the "daughter cell".

How many bones are in a kid body?

I think kids and adults have the same number of 206 bones, but I do not know what they are all called . . . (=

What is the Wikipedia for kids called?

KidzPedia- It is a wikipedia about kids and all related subjects. - It is a community written encyclopedia, like wiki.- It is free.If you are a kids-related professional, or a parent/foster and want share your experiences in this matter, you are welcomed to contribute.Please follow:

How much time do kids spend on the computer?

it all depends on the kid and the parent, but the average is about 2 hours a day

What is it called when some organisms get all of their genetic material from just one parent organism?

This is called asexual reproduction, where offspring inherit all of their genetic material from a single parent. There is no genetic contribution from a second parent organism in this type of reproduction.

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