

Best Answer
  • If you are a young man then send flowers, chocolates, or, even mail jewelry such as a bracelet, drop on a chain (doesn't have to be too expensive.) If you are a woman asking, send a nice card, tickets to a sports event you think they may like, or send them a nice CD or DVD of a movie you know they like. If they're into jewelry send them a chain, chain bracelet with an engraving.
  • I think some interesting books, e-cards, some cute and thoughtful plush toys. I remember when I was dating my wife on dream marriage who was in Russia, the website had a special option of sending gifts to your match. So, u can always use special agencies in the country that you r sending your gift to.
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Q: What are romantic ideas for long distance relationships?
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If your boyfriend lives an hour away should you continue to date him?

Long Distance relationships are so romantic. just do whatever you think is right for the two of you.:P

What are some first year anniversary ideas for long distance relationships?

One thing you can do is mail him/her a present or try to get together on a weekend.

Long distance relationships?

A long-distance relationship is a romantic relationship between two people who live far apart and have limited face-to-face contact, relying heavily on communication through technology and occasional visits.

What are some good romantic gift ideas?

Some good ideas may be to have chocolate dipped fruit - i.e.. strawberries. Other ideas may be to have a long quiet romantic dinner with your significant other!

Does Jake t Austin believe in long distance relationships?

yes he do believe in long distance relationships because he wont give up a girl..

How do romantic love effects long-term intimate relationships?

It is powerful. If you want it, kick it UP

What is the song dare4distance by Nevershoutnever about?

long distance relationships.

Do long distance relationships between mature teenagers work?

Long distance relationships are completely based on trust. Wither your mature or not, you need to trust the person 100% for it to work.

Do all long distance relationships end badly?

I hope not

What is another word for long distance relationships?

a dumb idea.

The best song for long distance relationships?

love story