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illegal aliens

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

There are many different statuses, but most likely you're thinking of a "Lawful Permanent Resident."

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domenic h

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βˆ™ 3y ago

I don’t know I have the same questio?

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βˆ™ 11y ago


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Q: What are immigrants who are not yet citizens called?
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What did the alien and sedition acts do?

They targeted immigrants who were not yet citizens.

People who have changed their original citizenship to become citizens of the US are called?


How did the Alien and sedition acts target immigrants who were not yet citizens?

ALiens did not exist so they made a sedition to Faze Up

What are children born of in the US to illegal immigrants called?

They are not called anything. No one determines if they are citizens ( which they are) or not. They are children. Anchor babies.

Can immigrants be citizens?

They can typically become citizens through naturalization.

How has US citizenship caused Puerto Ricans to be different from other immigrants?

The Puerto Ricans are U.S citizens and not immigrants...they are born within the U.S territory therefore they are U.S 1917 there was a law passed called Jones shafroth act that by law the Puerto Ricans are U.S Citizens.

Why don't citizens want the immigrants in the US?

Citizens don't usually want new immigrants because it is considered that immigrants take the jobs away from them. Also, many new immigrants get some sort of benefits from the government; the US citizens pay taxes for those benefits

What is another word for immigrants who are now American citizens?

Naturalized citizens == ==

What is the average number of immigrants TO Canada?

About 6/1,000 citizens of Canada are immigrants.

What percentage of US citizens are either immigrants or are descendants of immigrants?

Almost all of them

Who control the process by which immigrants citizens?
