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It means hat you have people skills like for example, I am outgoing and love to talk with people if i get the chance and adaptions with social skills are when you keep doing that skill, and make it more affective.

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Adaptive skills refers to the important skills which enable people to live together in a socially responsible manner. These are collective skills which promote proper functioning.

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Q: What are adaptive and social skills?
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What do adaptive skills refer to?

Adaptive skills refer to skills needed for daily life. Such skills include the ability to produce and understand language (communication); home-living skills; use of community resources; health, safety, leisure, self-care, and social skills

How did Arnold Gesell develop his theory?

He done experiments on children to find out there motor, adaptive, language and personal/social skills.

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Identify specific areas of strength and weakness in adaptive behavior skills to inform individualized instruction and support plans. Set specific, measurable goals for each student based on their adaptive behavior scale results and track progress over time. Collaborate with other professionals, such as speech therapists or occupational therapists, to create a comprehensive intervention plan that targets specific adaptive behavior deficits.

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Adaptive human development refers to the process by which individuals learn to adjust and thrive in response to various environmental, social, and psychological challenges they face throughout their lives. It involves utilizing coping strategies, problem-solving skills, and resilience to overcome obstacles and achieve personal growth and well-being.

Does social skills training help for schizophrenia?

Social skills training may help with problems with social skills, but it does not help with the other symptoms.

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Some controversies related to social skills include the debate over whether social skills can be taught or are innate, the impact of technology on social skills development, and the role of cultural differences in defining what constitutes appropriate social behavior.

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Human behaviour is highly adaptive to social nature. Humans, after all, are social beings. Their behaviour can be shaped and even changed by the society they belong to.

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Interpersonal skills refer to the ability to communicate and interact with others on a personal level, such as listening, empathy, and conflict resolution. Social skills, on the other hand, involve navigating a variety of social situations and settings, including group interactions and understanding social norms and expectations. In essence, interpersonal skills focus on one-on-one relationships, while social skills encompass broader social contexts.

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Social awkwardness or social ineptitude are other words that can be used to describe a lack of social skills.

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What skills do you need to become a social care worker?

What skills do you need to become a social care worker?