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he starts winking at her

noticing her

complimenting her hair

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Q: What are a guys signal to liking a girl and how do guys react when they have a crush on you?
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When a girl says she has a crush on you what is the best way to react?

like your constipated

How do you get your crush's girl friend to back off of me just for liking him?

you can say you like him but wont try anything because he is allready taken

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well first i need to know if this girl knew you had a crush on her. if so, well expect some glares and evil looks and bad rumors and many people not liking you. if not well SO choose which 1 for sure and be happy with her even though it might be a little awkward I am the asker of this question. I did not tell the girl i had a crush on her.

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maybe he is going through hard times, or he might have a crush on another girl but at the same time liking u.

How do you make your crush like you if he likes another girl?

You can't make anyone like you. Liking someone is a choice. Just be his friend and that may turn into something more.

If your a it normal to fancy your best friend?

it can be normal, it can happen to any oneGirls liking their guy friendsGuys liking their girl friendsGuys liking their guy friendsGirls liking their girl friends

What does it mean when a girl cute acts like she hates you one year and then talks to you and smiles a lot the next?

It means either she changed her mind about not liking you or she just has had a crush on you for a while.

What do you when a girl has a boyfriend and you like her?

Try to stop liking her... I know that may be a hard task, but what else can you do? Talk to her as a friend, and not a love interest. Eventually you won't have a crush on her, but that will fade within time.

What does this mean when there are rumors about liking this guy and he stares at you a lot .We usually sit next to each other and I sometimes act foolish in class.What does it mean?

Girl it means that you have a major crush on him ASK HIM OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How to get a girl who dislikes you to start liking you?

You may be able to get the girl who dislikes you to start liking you if you are nice to her and pay her compliments.

What does a girl that you have a crush on mean when she says to one of her friends thinking that you cannot hear her that she wishes that she liked you?

She means she wished she liked you so that she didn't have to see you go through the pain of her not liking you back.

Do you have a girl crush?

i have a huge crush on one girl but I don't no if she likes me