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a girl just needs a friend who can be a boy in a friendship,

but woman needs a man in relationship

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Q: What a girl needs from a boy in relationship?
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What is a boy-girl relationship?

A relationship between a boy and a girl.

What is a boy-girl?

A relationship between a boy and a girl.

Is a girl a boy?

A relationship between a boy and a girl.

Do you agree in a boy to boy or girl to girl relationship's?

i dont agree in both .but the better one is a girl to girl relationship

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Why does the boy and girl relationship part of the growing process

What does boy-girl mean?

Someone who has characteristics of both girl and boy or other name is androgynous

What are good signatures for a girl in a relationship with a boy?

the date in which the girl and the boy started dating.

You have anoles a girl and a boy how do you know if your girl needs a boy in the cage?

if she is weird

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Usually a girl

Who is responsible in a girl or boy relationship?

the girl runs every thing! they keep the relationship together!:]

How do you encorage a girl to kiss a boy?

To encourage a girl to kiss a boy, the girl needs to make eye contact with the boy. Do a little conversation, if they are in a relationship they should be holding hands. Then they should be alright, slowly getting there heads closer and closer, but first watch out for the lips so you can go to the kissing part.

Why a boy need a girl?

A BOY NEEDS A GIRL and so a girl. it is natural and usual .......human tendency dear...............