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Since you're talking about adopting an older child, I'm assuming that you're talking about adopting through the state (rather than private or foreign adoption)

I can't speak for Indiana specifically (my experience is in Florida) but in general the adoption agencies are area specific... meaning that the answer probably depends on where you live in Indiana. The agencies that handle this also are responsible for foster care.

You can find the Indiana foster care & adoption association at / and if you look under adoption > adoption support networks you'll find a page that has the Local Adoptive Parent Support Networks, which should be able to answer your questions.

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Q: What Indiana adoption Agency do you use for an older child?
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You will come across many adoption agencies that feel that a person should be between the ages of twenty-five and forty in order to raise a child. If you are younger, it may be a good idea to wait a few years since it will ultimately be beneficial to your future new child anyway. And if you are older than 40, you'll still have the opportunity to adopt, you will just be subjected to stricter requirements. I was just doing some research for my site and came across this: If you are adopting from Russia you must be 16 years older than the child you are adopting.

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Children who are up for adoption is rarely unwanted. More often are they wanted but the parents cannot care for them for different reasons. First you have to pass the home study so contact an adoption agency or a social worker. Then you wait. if you insist on a baby it can take 10 years. Adopting in the uS cost around $40 000 and from abroad around $50 000. Foster care and older children are cheaper and can get faster. The agency will help you through the legal stuff and they have lawyers. Otherwise you need to get one yourself. The lawyer will take care of having the adoption legalized in court.

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If a mother does not want her children can she sign over her rights to one of her older children?

hi, it depends on how old the other older person is. im am almost 100%sure that there would be a certain age for transferring legal right to someone else. but to safeguard the child and the mother handing over responsibility of the child i would suggest going through an adoption agency. there are so many people out there with infertility problems and people who dont want to go through the pregnancy that are desperate for a child. before you do anything have a good think about it. I hope this answer helps you. good luck!

Steps to Adopting a Child?

Steps to Adopting a ChildIf you are considering adoption, know it is one of the best decisions you could make for your family and for the child you adopt. Adopting a child is actually an easy process. The only stressful part is the waiting process. Whether you're considering domestic or international adoption, here are steps to help you get started:What Kind of Child Are you Looking to Adopt?Sit down with your spouse and your family and weigh the pros and cons of national or international adoption. Although it may be cheap to adopt a child from a different country, you may have to spend money traveling to that country multiple times. The type of child that you choose determines the type of agency you will go with.Consider CostsAn intercountry adoption can cost between $15,000 and $20,000. It can go higher depending on the child's country of origin. You may be able to check with your employer because many times they are willing to help pay for part of the adoption.Research Your AgencyThere are both private and public agencies. Public agencies typically handle special-needs adoptions or the adoptions of older children, while private agencies handle all domestic and intercountry adoptions.Make sure to check the licensing and look at the fees and payment schedules. Public agencies cost less than private agencies since they are government funded. The National Adoption Information Clearing House Website is a great source for intercountry procedures andwww.adoptionnetwork.comis another great place to start.Independent AdoptionYou do not necessarily have to proceed with an adoption agency. If you want to do an adoption independently, know that the costs will be nearly the same as a private adoption. You will be paying for medical expenses, home study fees and counseling fees. You will also have to pay for an attorney to ensure all of the paperwork is filled out appropriately.Participate in the Home StudyThe home study can take several months. This is where you will be evaluated by a social worker by a series of interviews and a home study to see if you would make a good adoptive parent. Once this is complete, a child can be placed into your home.Final AdoptionYour agency should help you with the final adoption process; however, you could hire an attorney as well. Look at the state laws for final adoption as some of them state that the child must live with you for six months prior to finalization. For international adoption, it may take up to three years for the adoption to be completed.

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