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It is not a legal separation unless both or one party files paperwork in a court. Usually the other party is saved as well and a judge decides property and child arrangements.

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Q: We do not live together for more than a year it is a legal separation in Colorado or Florida US?
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Morally acceptable legal separation?

Any legal separation is morally acceptable.Any legal separation is morally acceptable.Any legal separation is morally acceptable.Any legal separation is morally acceptable.

Married in Colorado can you divorce in Florida?

You file for a divorce in the state you have legal residency. It does not matter where you got married.

What's the difference between divorce and legal separation?

A divorce is a finalized paper stating that a marriage is officially over. A legal separation is an agreement between partners to not live together but not officially to end the marriage.

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Default procedure legal separation is the process or the option to bring in failure the proceedings in legal separation.

How to file for a legal separation?

how do you file for a legal separation in the state of NJ

Florida marriage separation laws.. being apart for 10 yrs. does it mean u are divorced statute?

no, there is no such thing as a legal separation for divorce in FL. divorce must be granted by the courts.

Are firecrackers legal in Colorado?

NO firecrackers are not legal in Colorado

Legal separation can you have a relationship with legal separation?

There is no law that prevents you from having a relationship when you are separated.

What do you need to do for a legal separation?

In order to be legally separated, ask your lawyer to draft a legal separation agreement that will best protect you in regards to child custody and support, taxes, and any new debts that might be incurred. You could also find out the procedures necessary in your state and fill out your own legal separation papers. All states except Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and Texas recognize legal documentation of separation. For more information, please visit the Related Link.

Can you still divorce if you lived together during your legal separation in NY?

Yes, you can still divorce if you lived together during your legal separation in New York. In the state of New York, there is no requirement to live apart during the separation period in order to file for divorce. As long as you meet the other requirements for divorce, such as establishing fault grounds or having a separation agreement, you can proceed with the divorce process.

Cost for a legal separation in TN?

The cost for legal separation in TN is not consistent with other legal separation.I guess this will cost you about five thousand dollars and above.

Differentiate the post legal rights of man in legal separation and annulment marriage?

The post legal rights of a man in a legal separation refers to the things a man is entitled to in a given separation. Annulment marriage refers to the way of ending a marriage like a divorce.