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To get to know a person better, you need to be the one to go up to them first (this is, if you are considering to become aqaintances or friends) and introduce your self to them. do a little chatting, and throw out some of your interests. Pretty soon, they'll throw out their interests. So share your interests and you just unlocked a new door. As you become better aqaintances, the person will ask about your family, life, job, etc. , so now you will have the right to ask them those questions.Or, you could put yourself in that persons' shoes. try to understand how they feel aboud the incedent, problem, or how they were affected by something. Don't judge too soon, and show them that YOU understand. = If this is someone you like, don't try to impress them, or act like someone your NOT. be yourself and be friendly, and open, but not too open. that way they wonder (and they think about you ;) If you wanted to know more about her so you could see them a bit more clearly, you could casually ask around, but not constantly. you could also have a texting convo ... or face to face. = All and All, the best way to get to know someone is to talk/ask them face to face. if you ask someone else, it could be a lie or a rumor. ===
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12y ago
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16y ago

if you like this guy and you want to know him just relax and go said hi when he is not with his fiends and then said how are you

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15y ago

Ask him about himself. He'll talk and talk.

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