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Being a teenager is one of the hardest part we have to face in life, that's the time when we go though body changers, peer pressure, in need for attention, Lack of love, Independence, Stress, School. Some Parents refuse to understand, why they're teens behave in such an unmanly way and how to deal with the situation. Teens are in between of being a child and adult, however they have their own opinions and are capable enough to express it. Parents maybe need to listen and be a little more understanding towards their teens.

They need to understand how stressed it might be for they're teen children and put themselves in that situation. Which includes opening up to your child and try understanding and listening.

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13y ago
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because teen goes through depression and find it hard to open up to their parents

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Shakir Lowe

Lvl 2
3y ago

When you are child, parents are somewhat loving. They feel this constant need to protect you and with this protection they teach you to socialize, provide what is necessary for you to be able to learn academically, feed you, clothe you, provide a stable home for you, discipline you when necessary and in positive cases reward you when needed. Bringing you up to be a fully functioning model citizen of society. However, when you are no longer a child but yet still not an adult they do not really see the need to be who they were before. They adjust in such a way that it is expected of you to mature and start to completely understand the world and be able to take care of yourself because to them they have been doing it for the amount of years they are required. With this attitude parents tend to not realize that their child is not exactly doing so well mentally. Technically, there is so much for a teenager to deal with, examples being: graduating high school, exams, friendships, relationships, body image etc. For these reasons alone parents should really consider receiving guidance in order to help their teenage child, because personally no parent would be able to handle that on their own.

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Eliseo Weimann

Lvl 1
3y ago
good answer tyy!

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Richard Tracey

Lvl 2
2y ago

(1) Parent must be educated in order to grow the child in the right way.

(2) peer pressure

(3) children are disrespectful towards there peers and teacher's parents should now take responsibility to reduce disrespectful among there children's.

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Q: Three reasons why parents may need guidance in dealing with teenaged children?
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